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POSSESSION – EP 2017 “Exorkizein”
label: Invictus productions
songs: Sacerdotium / Infestation – Manifestation / Beasts Of Prey / In Vain / Take The Oath / Preacher's Death //
web: http://www.possessionrealm.com/
Newest work by this Belgium based band, bridging a 2 year gap since the “1585 – 1646” EP. “Exorkizein” holds a collection of old school Death/ BlackMetal of the better sort. There's quite a few variations to the theme. Starting off with some 90's Swedish styled DeathMetal with hints of Tampa DeathMetal and the muffled chunk riffage of PowerLord. “Infestation – Manifestation” tips over to classic BlackMetal a la Hellhammer / Bathory, partnering a snare drummed drive to repetitive chainsaw guitars, gaspy growlage and those Tom Warrior esque 'uh's! More of the same down the traditional BlackMetaler “Beasts Of Prey”. Things slow down to almost Doom like proportions on with the sombre “In Vain” to be accelerated halfway through. One of the key features of the EP is this beefed up 'basement' production that perfectly replicates the sound of old with added boost and a wal of muffled crunch guitars. Great!
Paul van der Burght
label: Invictus productions
songs: Sacerdotium / Infestation – Manifestation / Beasts Of Prey / In Vain / Take The Oath / Preacher's Death //
web: http://www.possessionrealm.com/
Newest work by this Belgium based band, bridging a 2 year gap since the “1585 – 1646” EP. “Exorkizein” holds a collection of old school Death/ BlackMetal of the better sort. There's quite a few variations to the theme. Starting off with some 90's Swedish styled DeathMetal with hints of Tampa DeathMetal and the muffled chunk riffage of PowerLord. “Infestation – Manifestation” tips over to classic BlackMetal a la Hellhammer / Bathory, partnering a snare drummed drive to repetitive chainsaw guitars, gaspy growlage and those Tom Warrior esque 'uh's! More of the same down the traditional BlackMetaler “Beasts Of Prey”. Things slow down to almost Doom like proportions on with the sombre “In Vain” to be accelerated halfway through. One of the key features of the EP is this beefed up 'basement' production that perfectly replicates the sound of old with added boost and a wal of muffled crunch guitars. Great!
Paul van der Burght

label: private
songs: Hail Damien / The Omen Part I / The Omen Part II / The Omen Part III //
web: https://donkerkarnuffel.bandcamp.com/
Follow-up to the 2013 “Zombie Clown Apocalypse” album, with the band slightly altering their 'ClownCore' concept with the MetalCore / ThrashCore thing now being more prominent, as is the atmospheric element. After an ominous intro with Gregorian chants, organ and orchestral synths, Donkerkarnuffel engage the 'new sound' with the slow-paced, DeathMetal-meets-MetalCore esque “The Omen Part I”; an incredibly heavy and grinding track that is given value by extremely low-toned guitars, meaty riffage and 2 toned vocals, featuring gurgling grunts and screamy modes. “The Omen Part II” tops the levels of intensity, coupling BlackMetal programming and gloomy synths to ThrashCore chops and vocals. “The Omen Part III” is a 'freakshow' of extreme BlackMetal scream-vocals, Hard / GrindCore-style vocal raps and gurgling DeathMetal grunts over a mix of circus sounds, hyper speed drums, orchestral chops, ominous synths, and a wall of crunching guitars rammed into 2:47 minutes. “The Omen E.P” is about the heaviest thing in its territories with a technical undertone and a superb, power-punch production to compliment the music. Impressive!
Paul van der Burght
label: private
songs: Hail Damien / The Omen Part I / The Omen Part II / The Omen Part III //
web: https://donkerkarnuffel.bandcamp.com/
Follow-up to the 2013 “Zombie Clown Apocalypse” album, with the band slightly altering their 'ClownCore' concept with the MetalCore / ThrashCore thing now being more prominent, as is the atmospheric element. After an ominous intro with Gregorian chants, organ and orchestral synths, Donkerkarnuffel engage the 'new sound' with the slow-paced, DeathMetal-meets-MetalCore esque “The Omen Part I”; an incredibly heavy and grinding track that is given value by extremely low-toned guitars, meaty riffage and 2 toned vocals, featuring gurgling grunts and screamy modes. “The Omen Part II” tops the levels of intensity, coupling BlackMetal programming and gloomy synths to ThrashCore chops and vocals. “The Omen Part III” is a 'freakshow' of extreme BlackMetal scream-vocals, Hard / GrindCore-style vocal raps and gurgling DeathMetal grunts over a mix of circus sounds, hyper speed drums, orchestral chops, ominous synths, and a wall of crunching guitars rammed into 2:47 minutes. “The Omen E.P” is about the heaviest thing in its territories with a technical undertone and a superb, power-punch production to compliment the music. Impressive!
Paul van der Burght

BLOOD FEAST – 2017 “The Future State Of Wicked”
label: Hells Headbangers
songs: INRI / Off With Their Heads / Brethren / By The Slice / The Underling / Last Rites / Who Prays For The Devil / Nein / Remnants II / The Burn //
web: http://www.bloodfeastlegions.com
Newest album by veteran Thrashers Blood Feast that are best known for their monumental '87 “Kill For Pleasure” LP. Blood Feast have always been on the extreme end of the Thrash thing, and ”The Future State Of Wicked” is no different. The clicks with Slayer and Exodus are still in there allright, as evidenced on the fast-paced cruncher that is “Off With Their Heads”. The incredibly intense scream vocals of singer Chris Natalini give the music this 'over-the-top' Crossover finish, further highlighted by the similar styled musical features that surface on the M.O.D / S.O.D esque “By The Slice” and the Moshed-up Slayer ish “The Underling”. The overall DeathThrash appearance is further pushed to its boundaries, tending towards BlackMetal on “Last Rites”. The drummage of Joe Moore is impressive to say the least, with some incredibly tight skin bashing on “Off With Their Heads” and “By The Slice”. There's no double-bass drum action down the set, and it is the snare-drummed drives that also help trigger that allround 80's Crossover / HardCore Thrash sound with the provocative, talk type vocals of Natalini to match. “The Future State Of Wicked” is one seriously intense album in the 80's / 90's tradition, equipped with great, biting vocals, excellent drummage and a whole lot of ear splitting crunch guitars, going in Bay Area Thrash modus on “Who Prays For The Devil” and “The Burn”. Great
Paul van der Burght
label: Hells Headbangers
songs: INRI / Off With Their Heads / Brethren / By The Slice / The Underling / Last Rites / Who Prays For The Devil / Nein / Remnants II / The Burn //
web: http://www.bloodfeastlegions.com
Newest album by veteran Thrashers Blood Feast that are best known for their monumental '87 “Kill For Pleasure” LP. Blood Feast have always been on the extreme end of the Thrash thing, and ”The Future State Of Wicked” is no different. The clicks with Slayer and Exodus are still in there allright, as evidenced on the fast-paced cruncher that is “Off With Their Heads”. The incredibly intense scream vocals of singer Chris Natalini give the music this 'over-the-top' Crossover finish, further highlighted by the similar styled musical features that surface on the M.O.D / S.O.D esque “By The Slice” and the Moshed-up Slayer ish “The Underling”. The overall DeathThrash appearance is further pushed to its boundaries, tending towards BlackMetal on “Last Rites”. The drummage of Joe Moore is impressive to say the least, with some incredibly tight skin bashing on “Off With Their Heads” and “By The Slice”. There's no double-bass drum action down the set, and it is the snare-drummed drives that also help trigger that allround 80's Crossover / HardCore Thrash sound with the provocative, talk type vocals of Natalini to match. “The Future State Of Wicked” is one seriously intense album in the 80's / 90's tradition, equipped with great, biting vocals, excellent drummage and a whole lot of ear splitting crunch guitars, going in Bay Area Thrash modus on “Who Prays For The Devil” and “The Burn”. Great
Paul van der Burght
FAST EVIL- EP 2107 “Wake Up The Devil”
label: private
songs: Ritual Of Sacrifice / Evil Maniacs / Hell Angel / Metal Is Back //
web: https://www.facebook.com/FastevilBand
Debut EP by this Traditional Speed Metal band from Brazil that only just entered the scene in 2016. Fast Evil is Influenced by bands such as Exciter, Overkill and Nuclear but generates a sound that does not really reveal any of those inspirational sources, apart maybe from the occasional shades of Nuclear Assault in the upper regions of the vocal department. Singer Luca Mesquita has a variable, all-out Metal voice with a rough edge and higher pitched yells, reminiscent of classic, German Metal and the Mausoleum label bands. The E.P opens with the driven, mid-paced “Ritual Of Sacrifice” that - in its opening modes - sounds like a mix of a faster riffed “The Ripper” (Judas Priest), and Griffin, moving more on the Metal side of things rather than Speed Metal. “Evil Maniacs” entirely lives up to the old-school SpeedMetal sound, drawing similarities to Iron Angel, and in particularly Living Death as do the rhythm riffed tracks, “Hell Angel” and the E.P's fastest, “Metal Is Back” featuring a completely different, 'helium' style, upper mid-range vocal tone without the rough edge. It is also here that the band somehow connects with Malibu Barbi's “When The Lightning Strikes” in the instrumental / riff-department and allround speed. Overall, songs are compact, straight forward and easy on the ear. Enjoyable, old-school SpeedMetal wrapped in a great artwork cover that just screams Metal!
Paul van der Burght
label: private
songs: Ritual Of Sacrifice / Evil Maniacs / Hell Angel / Metal Is Back //
web: https://www.facebook.com/FastevilBand
Debut EP by this Traditional Speed Metal band from Brazil that only just entered the scene in 2016. Fast Evil is Influenced by bands such as Exciter, Overkill and Nuclear but generates a sound that does not really reveal any of those inspirational sources, apart maybe from the occasional shades of Nuclear Assault in the upper regions of the vocal department. Singer Luca Mesquita has a variable, all-out Metal voice with a rough edge and higher pitched yells, reminiscent of classic, German Metal and the Mausoleum label bands. The E.P opens with the driven, mid-paced “Ritual Of Sacrifice” that - in its opening modes - sounds like a mix of a faster riffed “The Ripper” (Judas Priest), and Griffin, moving more on the Metal side of things rather than Speed Metal. “Evil Maniacs” entirely lives up to the old-school SpeedMetal sound, drawing similarities to Iron Angel, and in particularly Living Death as do the rhythm riffed tracks, “Hell Angel” and the E.P's fastest, “Metal Is Back” featuring a completely different, 'helium' style, upper mid-range vocal tone without the rough edge. It is also here that the band somehow connects with Malibu Barbi's “When The Lightning Strikes” in the instrumental / riff-department and allround speed. Overall, songs are compact, straight forward and easy on the ear. Enjoyable, old-school SpeedMetal wrapped in a great artwork cover that just screams Metal!
Paul van der Burght
GRAVEWARDS – DEMO / EP 2017 “Subconscious Lobotomy”
label: private
songs: Casket Entrapment / Subconscious Lobotomy / Crawling Chaos / Deathwomb Incubation //
web: https://www.facebook.com/Gravewards/
Debut release by this Athens based 3-piece that sticker their sound as 'Old School Death Metal'. With listed influences such as Autopsy, Bolt Thrower, Benediction, Death and Gorefest and a sound that replicates most, in particularly Gorefest, Gravewards truly live up to the traditional styles. This E.P perfectly captures the 90's DeathMetal sound with the classic Swedish DeathMetal thing pushed forward on the moderately paced “Deathwomb Incubation”; THE most extreme and heaviest offering on the E.P that slightly turns towards BlackMetal where it incorporates slam-drums and the significant, 'high-low-and-reversed' riffage. The equally slow-paced, and double-bass drummed “Crawling Chaos” also inclines to BlackMetal, followed by a more technical approach in the traditional Tampa DeathMetal style. There is a good diversity flow within the songs, peaking on the changeable, technical minded DeathMetaler that is “Subconscious Lobotomy”. Another twist in concept comes in the shape of the moderately paced, 5+ minute “Casket Entrapment”; a lowtoned and largely riff oriented Euro DeathMetaler with a Doomy edge. Material is mostly slow to mid-tempo driven, and patterned upon prominent riffs and the deep, gruff sounding vocals are sung in a growling, talk- type manner and sound like a lower toned Tom Warrior, sauced with the classic Tampa DeathMetal features. This is one impressive E.P in the traditional styles, ticking all the boxes; from the sound and production to the all round performance. Great!
Paul van der Burght
specs: limited edition tape version of 300 copies
label: private
songs: Casket Entrapment / Subconscious Lobotomy / Crawling Chaos / Deathwomb Incubation //
web: https://www.facebook.com/Gravewards/
Debut release by this Athens based 3-piece that sticker their sound as 'Old School Death Metal'. With listed influences such as Autopsy, Bolt Thrower, Benediction, Death and Gorefest and a sound that replicates most, in particularly Gorefest, Gravewards truly live up to the traditional styles. This E.P perfectly captures the 90's DeathMetal sound with the classic Swedish DeathMetal thing pushed forward on the moderately paced “Deathwomb Incubation”; THE most extreme and heaviest offering on the E.P that slightly turns towards BlackMetal where it incorporates slam-drums and the significant, 'high-low-and-reversed' riffage. The equally slow-paced, and double-bass drummed “Crawling Chaos” also inclines to BlackMetal, followed by a more technical approach in the traditional Tampa DeathMetal style. There is a good diversity flow within the songs, peaking on the changeable, technical minded DeathMetaler that is “Subconscious Lobotomy”. Another twist in concept comes in the shape of the moderately paced, 5+ minute “Casket Entrapment”; a lowtoned and largely riff oriented Euro DeathMetaler with a Doomy edge. Material is mostly slow to mid-tempo driven, and patterned upon prominent riffs and the deep, gruff sounding vocals are sung in a growling, talk- type manner and sound like a lower toned Tom Warrior, sauced with the classic Tampa DeathMetal features. This is one impressive E.P in the traditional styles, ticking all the boxes; from the sound and production to the all round performance. Great!
Paul van der Burght
specs: limited edition tape version of 300 copies
web: https://www.facebook.com/HooveChildRecords/ http://hoovechildrecords.bigcartel.com/ Hoove Child records is a Chicago based record label and distro specializing in Heavy Metal and Hard Rock with a focus on Old-School / Traditional Metal / SpeedMetal. Catalogue includes CD's, vinyl, cassettes, patches, pins, and shirts. Hoove Child records releases include Satan's Hallow and Thunderslave |

TERRIFIER – 2017 “Weapons Of Thrash Destruction”
label: private
web: https://www.facebook.com/TerrifierThrashers
Second full-lengther by this Canadian 5-piece unit, engaging some old-school Thrash Metal that collects the sounds of greats such as Destruction, Death Angel, Testament and Exodus, showered with dazzling guitar hooks, sweep picking and the trademark staccato riffage. Terrifier has perfectly replicated all these blends and given it the 'maximum speed' injection. This is about as fast as Thrash can get, as witnessed on opening tune “Reanimator”; a break-neck speed Thrasher with an agility lead riff a la Destruction and an all-round drive and appearance a la Exodus with similar styled vocals. The Bay Area infused and galloping “Deceiver” sounds much like Testament the Terrifier way. A more groove-laden, anthemic approach is found on the shout along Thrasher “Drunk As Fuck”, whilst subtlely and balance comes in the shape of the guitar-laden intermezzo “Riders Of Doom” to finish in style with the blistering Slayer-meets-Testamant like Bay Area Thrasher “Sect Of The Serpent”. Great technicality throughout, superb drummage, all out Thrash vocals and lots of guitar-action. Terrifier delivers all this and more! Great!
Paul van der Burght
label: private
web: https://www.facebook.com/TerrifierThrashers
Second full-lengther by this Canadian 5-piece unit, engaging some old-school Thrash Metal that collects the sounds of greats such as Destruction, Death Angel, Testament and Exodus, showered with dazzling guitar hooks, sweep picking and the trademark staccato riffage. Terrifier has perfectly replicated all these blends and given it the 'maximum speed' injection. This is about as fast as Thrash can get, as witnessed on opening tune “Reanimator”; a break-neck speed Thrasher with an agility lead riff a la Destruction and an all-round drive and appearance a la Exodus with similar styled vocals. The Bay Area infused and galloping “Deceiver” sounds much like Testament the Terrifier way. A more groove-laden, anthemic approach is found on the shout along Thrasher “Drunk As Fuck”, whilst subtlely and balance comes in the shape of the guitar-laden intermezzo “Riders Of Doom” to finish in style with the blistering Slayer-meets-Testamant like Bay Area Thrasher “Sect Of The Serpent”. Great technicality throughout, superb drummage, all out Thrash vocals and lots of guitar-action. Terrifier delivers all this and more! Great!
Paul van der Burght
IRON HUNTER – 7” 2017 “Killing Machine”
label: Underground Power records http://underground-power.de/
songs: Killing Machine / From The Ashes //
web: https://www.facebook.com/ironhunterband
Premier outing by this Spanish 5-piece that were initially known as Starlight; a studio-project with the aim to replicate the classic Metal sound inspired by acts such as Running Wild, Heaven's Gate, Helloween, Riot and new, traditional bands such as Enforcer and Skull Fist. After a series of line-up changes, the band continued as Iron Hunter with the original concept still intact. This is clearly evidenced on “From The Ashes”; an 80's style Euro Headbanger / semi-SpeedMetaler, patterned upon a straight-forward drive, and propelling rhythm-riff / double-bass drum chops. A combination that largely identifies with the traditional German Metal / Mausoleum records sound, moreover complimented by the King Diamond esque falsetto vocals. The German Metal thing comes re-appearing on the more HardRock / Metal minded up-tempo track that is “Killing Machine”, merging traces of classic Accept with the newer adaptations of NWOBHM, complete with a number of twin harmonies, and a rougher edged, lower toned vocal style. The whole thing comes with some cool guitar flash and great, tight drumming, all captured in a clear an clean production. Proper!
Paul van der Burght
label: Underground Power records http://underground-power.de/
songs: Killing Machine / From The Ashes //
web: https://www.facebook.com/ironhunterband
Premier outing by this Spanish 5-piece that were initially known as Starlight; a studio-project with the aim to replicate the classic Metal sound inspired by acts such as Running Wild, Heaven's Gate, Helloween, Riot and new, traditional bands such as Enforcer and Skull Fist. After a series of line-up changes, the band continued as Iron Hunter with the original concept still intact. This is clearly evidenced on “From The Ashes”; an 80's style Euro Headbanger / semi-SpeedMetaler, patterned upon a straight-forward drive, and propelling rhythm-riff / double-bass drum chops. A combination that largely identifies with the traditional German Metal / Mausoleum records sound, moreover complimented by the King Diamond esque falsetto vocals. The German Metal thing comes re-appearing on the more HardRock / Metal minded up-tempo track that is “Killing Machine”, merging traces of classic Accept with the newer adaptations of NWOBHM, complete with a number of twin harmonies, and a rougher edged, lower toned vocal style. The whole thing comes with some cool guitar flash and great, tight drumming, all captured in a clear an clean production. Proper!
Paul van der Burght

SPELL - 2016 “For None And All”
label: Bad Omen records
web: https://spellofficial.bandcamp.com/
Vancouver based three piece addressing to Atmospheric 80's HardRock / Metal with Progressive notes, Medieval twists and dramatic modes. Spell are pretty much on the subtle side of things, hinting at Progressive Rock (as on “Madame Psychosis”) and, almost Ambient like moods, popping up on the instrumental piece “Seance”. The slow-paced “River Of Sleep” is a more dramatic, Medieval / Epic laden tune, whilst “The Veil” captures some of the heaviest , Rockier moments on the album. The vocals move in the mid to upper mid-range, and operate in several appearances to compliment the different atmospheres that run through the music. As such, the vocal palette features level-tone and talk-type modes, alongside more melodic lead lines, and some spoken parts that are 'hidden' on “The Veil”; It is also here, particularly the chants, that click at large with early Warlord; a comparison that also arises in a different form on “Whipping Sigits”, coupling atmospheric synthesizer to the light, Progressive nature of the song. Another twist in concept comes in the shape of the 70's Progressive Rock thing, evidenced on the driven “Dark Desire” with its Uriah Heep type choirs and minor sphered Psychedelic ending. Although Spell have this significant, and recognizable Canadian Progressive (Hard) Rock appearance, they have managed to make it sound different, and quite unusual in places. Interesting.
Paul van der Burght
label: Bad Omen records
web: https://spellofficial.bandcamp.com/
Vancouver based three piece addressing to Atmospheric 80's HardRock / Metal with Progressive notes, Medieval twists and dramatic modes. Spell are pretty much on the subtle side of things, hinting at Progressive Rock (as on “Madame Psychosis”) and, almost Ambient like moods, popping up on the instrumental piece “Seance”. The slow-paced “River Of Sleep” is a more dramatic, Medieval / Epic laden tune, whilst “The Veil” captures some of the heaviest , Rockier moments on the album. The vocals move in the mid to upper mid-range, and operate in several appearances to compliment the different atmospheres that run through the music. As such, the vocal palette features level-tone and talk-type modes, alongside more melodic lead lines, and some spoken parts that are 'hidden' on “The Veil”; It is also here, particularly the chants, that click at large with early Warlord; a comparison that also arises in a different form on “Whipping Sigits”, coupling atmospheric synthesizer to the light, Progressive nature of the song. Another twist in concept comes in the shape of the 70's Progressive Rock thing, evidenced on the driven “Dark Desire” with its Uriah Heep type choirs and minor sphered Psychedelic ending. Although Spell have this significant, and recognizable Canadian Progressive (Hard) Rock appearance, they have managed to make it sound different, and quite unusual in places. Interesting.
Paul van der Burght

STEEL NIGHT – EP 2017 “Steel Night”
label: private
songs: Red Alert / Fight Till The End / Run For Your Life /
web: https://www.facebook.com/SteelNightOfficialMx
Mexican Metalers Steel Night first entered the scene at the tail end of 2016 with the “Run For Your Life” demo track that re-appears on the band's debut, partnering with “Red Alert” and “Fight Till The End”. Heavily influenced by 80's Heavy Metal and recorded / mixed in Finland, the musical palette on display here sports the traditional NWOBHM influenced Scandinavian / Swedish Metal sound, most of which finds its expression through the many, harmonized guitar leads. The other element that testifies to this is the melodic laden vocalage; first, for its accent and secondly for they are not entirely steady but come with some allright siren and falsetto modes which are peaking on the Euro-Headbanger / speedster “Run For Your Life” that draws a strong similarity to Insane (Sweden) in the riff department. The whole thing has a honest, demo-like appearance which compliments the aimed 80's vibe. OK
Paul van der Burght
label: private
songs: Red Alert / Fight Till The End / Run For Your Life /
web: https://www.facebook.com/SteelNightOfficialMx
Mexican Metalers Steel Night first entered the scene at the tail end of 2016 with the “Run For Your Life” demo track that re-appears on the band's debut, partnering with “Red Alert” and “Fight Till The End”. Heavily influenced by 80's Heavy Metal and recorded / mixed in Finland, the musical palette on display here sports the traditional NWOBHM influenced Scandinavian / Swedish Metal sound, most of which finds its expression through the many, harmonized guitar leads. The other element that testifies to this is the melodic laden vocalage; first, for its accent and secondly for they are not entirely steady but come with some allright siren and falsetto modes which are peaking on the Euro-Headbanger / speedster “Run For Your Life” that draws a strong similarity to Insane (Sweden) in the riff department. The whole thing has a honest, demo-like appearance which compliments the aimed 80's vibe. OK
Paul van der Burght

SUNLESS SKY – 2017 “Doppelganger”
label: Pure Steel records
songs: Starfall / Doppelganger / Kingdom Of Sky / Stone Gods / Lake Of Lost Souls / Netherworld / Adrenaline Junkie / Inside The Monster / Heroin / Black Symphony //
web: www.sunlesssky.com
Follow-up to the 2014 “Firebreather” debut, by this Cleveland / Ohio based 4-piece, engaging some all out U.S PowerMetal with light Progressive hints. The style of Sunless Sky mainly sits in the late 80's / early 90's interpretation of the genre, and in essence sounds like a heavier mix of Odin, Stryper and Helstar, the latter which is most evident on the slow, dramatic laden “Kingdom Of Sky”, and the mid / up-tempo driven “Netherworld”. The Prgressive element is best captured on the propelling, double bass fuelled “Stone Gods”, and the technical edged “Inside The Monster”. Key elements throughout the disc are the vocals and the guitarwork, and there's plenty of that, nicely balancing melody and flash, with some blistering action showcased on “Kingdom Of Sky” and “Netherworld”. The click with Helstar is omnipresent in the vocal department as the tone and style of quality singer Juan Ricardo is similar to that of James Rivera, delivering an all-out PowerMetal voice that is crisp, upper-mid range, and accessorized with a whole palette of appearances; this goes from melodic-laden lead lines and snappy, talk-type modes to siren like yells, topping on the up-tempo titletrack; THE most 80's geared number on the disc, gelling hints of Overkill (“Taking Over” era) and Judas Priest. The heaviest moments come in the shape of the staccato / rhythm riffed “Skyfall” (tending towards melodic Thrash), and the accelerated mid-section of “Black Symphony”. Although the majority of songs on “Doppelganger” move in the mod / mid – tempo gear, there's a good diversity and shape-shifting going on within the songs and the concept as a whole. The package does work here but one additional fast number or some added double bassdrum action may have further lifted the second half the set. In all, “Doppelganger” is one proper U.S PowerMetal offering in the old-school tradition. Convincing
Paul van der Burght
label: Pure Steel records
songs: Starfall / Doppelganger / Kingdom Of Sky / Stone Gods / Lake Of Lost Souls / Netherworld / Adrenaline Junkie / Inside The Monster / Heroin / Black Symphony //
web: www.sunlesssky.com
Follow-up to the 2014 “Firebreather” debut, by this Cleveland / Ohio based 4-piece, engaging some all out U.S PowerMetal with light Progressive hints. The style of Sunless Sky mainly sits in the late 80's / early 90's interpretation of the genre, and in essence sounds like a heavier mix of Odin, Stryper and Helstar, the latter which is most evident on the slow, dramatic laden “Kingdom Of Sky”, and the mid / up-tempo driven “Netherworld”. The Prgressive element is best captured on the propelling, double bass fuelled “Stone Gods”, and the technical edged “Inside The Monster”. Key elements throughout the disc are the vocals and the guitarwork, and there's plenty of that, nicely balancing melody and flash, with some blistering action showcased on “Kingdom Of Sky” and “Netherworld”. The click with Helstar is omnipresent in the vocal department as the tone and style of quality singer Juan Ricardo is similar to that of James Rivera, delivering an all-out PowerMetal voice that is crisp, upper-mid range, and accessorized with a whole palette of appearances; this goes from melodic-laden lead lines and snappy, talk-type modes to siren like yells, topping on the up-tempo titletrack; THE most 80's geared number on the disc, gelling hints of Overkill (“Taking Over” era) and Judas Priest. The heaviest moments come in the shape of the staccato / rhythm riffed “Skyfall” (tending towards melodic Thrash), and the accelerated mid-section of “Black Symphony”. Although the majority of songs on “Doppelganger” move in the mod / mid – tempo gear, there's a good diversity and shape-shifting going on within the songs and the concept as a whole. The package does work here but one additional fast number or some added double bassdrum action may have further lifted the second half the set. In all, “Doppelganger” is one proper U.S PowerMetal offering in the old-school tradition. Convincing
Paul van der Burght

VALHALORE – CD 2017 “Voyage Into Eternity”
label: private
songs: By Moon and Stars / Malice Of Illusion / The Winterstone / Guardians Of Time / Across The Frozen Ocean / Upon The Shores / Augury Of Death / Forth The Red Sun Rises / Voyage Into Eternity / By The Light Of Funeral Pyres
web: http://www.valhalore.com/
First, full-length release after a string of earlier singles and an EP that are all captured on “Voyage Of Eternity”. Valhalore, from Australia, engage in a mix of Folk, Epic Power Metal and Viking Metal. The concept is in-depth with a lot of things happening in both the structural and musical department, going through a multitude of timing and melody changes with a variety of instruments. This includes (synthesizer generated), flute, Medieval banjo, acoustic guitar, clavichord, harp and strings, all of which are on display down “Guardians Of Time”. The lead vocalage features 2 main modes; clean, Medieval styled and grunted to accommodate the more bombastic, PowerMetal fragments that are usually driven by a double-bass drummed beat. The guitar intensifies the whole thing with some crisp riffage and flashy solo hooks, and often operates in harmony with the flute in the more Folk-ish parts. The music strongly refers to early Skyclad, as witnessed on “The Winterstone” and “Across The Frozen Ocean”. The “Voyage Into Eternity” is a beautifully crafted product that captures the best features of the genre(s) without the mainstream Viking Metal chants. Strong!
Paul van der Burght
label: private
songs: By Moon and Stars / Malice Of Illusion / The Winterstone / Guardians Of Time / Across The Frozen Ocean / Upon The Shores / Augury Of Death / Forth The Red Sun Rises / Voyage Into Eternity / By The Light Of Funeral Pyres
web: http://www.valhalore.com/
First, full-length release after a string of earlier singles and an EP that are all captured on “Voyage Of Eternity”. Valhalore, from Australia, engage in a mix of Folk, Epic Power Metal and Viking Metal. The concept is in-depth with a lot of things happening in both the structural and musical department, going through a multitude of timing and melody changes with a variety of instruments. This includes (synthesizer generated), flute, Medieval banjo, acoustic guitar, clavichord, harp and strings, all of which are on display down “Guardians Of Time”. The lead vocalage features 2 main modes; clean, Medieval styled and grunted to accommodate the more bombastic, PowerMetal fragments that are usually driven by a double-bass drummed beat. The guitar intensifies the whole thing with some crisp riffage and flashy solo hooks, and often operates in harmony with the flute in the more Folk-ish parts. The music strongly refers to early Skyclad, as witnessed on “The Winterstone” and “Across The Frozen Ocean”. The “Voyage Into Eternity” is a beautifully crafted product that captures the best features of the genre(s) without the mainstream Viking Metal chants. Strong!
Paul van der Burght
SAVANT – 2017 “Serial Killers Tales”
label: private
songs: Serial Killer / Eyes Of Butcher / Third Antichrist / Blooding Rising Sun / Mishappen Eastern Geek / The Gray Man / Suicide Premonition / Reaper Of Pain / Molested Whore / Murderous Maddam's Family / Colonizer / Who Are The Real Serial Killers ? //
web: http://www.savantmetal.com/
Follow-up to the 2007 “No Hope” album by this Rio De Janeiro based 4-piece unit that sticker their sound as an amalgam of 'Metal / Punk / Thrash and SpeedMetal'. Very much so, as Savant has a mere, Thrash type instrumentation, whilst the raised and provocative lead vocals add this 80's HardCore sidekick, particularly since the whole deal is sung in a talk-type manner. It is also here that Savant largely connects with Slayer, as singer Antonio Vargas has a tone and roar that is fairly identical to that of Tom Araya. Music tends to the classic California style Crossover / HardCore sound on more than one occasion, coupling elements of Suicidal Tendencies and M.O.D down songs such as “Maddam's Murderous Family” and “Serial Killer” plus the provocative Moshers “Butcher” and “The Gray Man”. The set on 'Serial Killers' Tales' is layered with the significant staccato riffage that trigger both the Crossover / Mosh groove and the Bay Area Thrash thing, pushed forward on “Suicide Premonition”. Apart from the significant vocalage, there's additional hints of Slayer throughout, but mostly in fragments. Overall, the mood and appearance of the album is late 80's styled Crossover / HardCore Thrash Metal without the trademark backing shouts, but dressed with the all the provocation that is perfectly voiced by Varga's vocal roar that is in the centre of attention throughout. Convincing.
Paul van der Burght
“Serial Killers' Tales” is available on CD Baby, iTunes, Amazon MP3 and other platforms.
label: private
songs: Serial Killer / Eyes Of Butcher / Third Antichrist / Blooding Rising Sun / Mishappen Eastern Geek / The Gray Man / Suicide Premonition / Reaper Of Pain / Molested Whore / Murderous Maddam's Family / Colonizer / Who Are The Real Serial Killers ? //
web: http://www.savantmetal.com/
Follow-up to the 2007 “No Hope” album by this Rio De Janeiro based 4-piece unit that sticker their sound as an amalgam of 'Metal / Punk / Thrash and SpeedMetal'. Very much so, as Savant has a mere, Thrash type instrumentation, whilst the raised and provocative lead vocals add this 80's HardCore sidekick, particularly since the whole deal is sung in a talk-type manner. It is also here that Savant largely connects with Slayer, as singer Antonio Vargas has a tone and roar that is fairly identical to that of Tom Araya. Music tends to the classic California style Crossover / HardCore sound on more than one occasion, coupling elements of Suicidal Tendencies and M.O.D down songs such as “Maddam's Murderous Family” and “Serial Killer” plus the provocative Moshers “Butcher” and “The Gray Man”. The set on 'Serial Killers' Tales' is layered with the significant staccato riffage that trigger both the Crossover / Mosh groove and the Bay Area Thrash thing, pushed forward on “Suicide Premonition”. Apart from the significant vocalage, there's additional hints of Slayer throughout, but mostly in fragments. Overall, the mood and appearance of the album is late 80's styled Crossover / HardCore Thrash Metal without the trademark backing shouts, but dressed with the all the provocation that is perfectly voiced by Varga's vocal roar that is in the centre of attention throughout. Convincing.
Paul van der Burght
“Serial Killers' Tales” is available on CD Baby, iTunes, Amazon MP3 and other platforms.

PANIKK – CD 2017 “Discarded Existence”
label: Xtreem Music
songs: Instigator of War / Sedated in Utopia / Under Pretence / Individual Right / Rotten Cells / Discarded Existence / Eyes Don't Lie / Reconstruction / Outro //
web: http://panikk.bandcamp.com/
“Discarded Existence” is the second, full-length album by Slovenian 4-piece Panikk, engaging some 90's style Bay Area Thrash Metal. Their sound is aggressive and rhythmic, elements that are given value by the mean sounding, raised vocal raps and this great, versatile drummage that goes through the whole spectrum of Thrash beats; from galloping, all out Bay Area rhythmics and snare drummed drives to double-bass hooks and blast beats (as witnessed on “Sedated In Utopia”). Songs are fast, energetic, and on more than one occasion identify with Forbidden, mostly on account of the vocal style that also makes Horde Of Torment spring to mind. Great, old-school Thrash album that comes with all the trimmings, including the 'trademark' backing shouts and staccato riffage.
Paul van der Burght
label: Xtreem Music
songs: Instigator of War / Sedated in Utopia / Under Pretence / Individual Right / Rotten Cells / Discarded Existence / Eyes Don't Lie / Reconstruction / Outro //
web: http://panikk.bandcamp.com/
“Discarded Existence” is the second, full-length album by Slovenian 4-piece Panikk, engaging some 90's style Bay Area Thrash Metal. Their sound is aggressive and rhythmic, elements that are given value by the mean sounding, raised vocal raps and this great, versatile drummage that goes through the whole spectrum of Thrash beats; from galloping, all out Bay Area rhythmics and snare drummed drives to double-bass hooks and blast beats (as witnessed on “Sedated In Utopia”). Songs are fast, energetic, and on more than one occasion identify with Forbidden, mostly on account of the vocal style that also makes Horde Of Torment spring to mind. Great, old-school Thrash album that comes with all the trimmings, including the 'trademark' backing shouts and staccato riffage.
Paul van der Burght

MATT CHANWAY – EP 2106 “Matt Chanway”
label: private
songs: Evidence Of The Arcane / The Receiver Of Wisdom / Harbinger / 271114 / Eyes In The Sky / Lucidity //
web: http://mattchanwayguitar.com/
In an era where instrumental shred albums are pretty much non existent, Canada's Matt Chanway (also of Death/Thrash act Assimilation) blows new life into art of traditional guitar shredding from the mid 80's / 90's. Matt is on good form, replicating the traditional shred sound and injected it with Progressive elements without overdosing in technicality or complexity; this evidently has everything to do with the fact that these songs were initially written for a Progressive Metal project called 'Chancellor', leaving room to fit the vocal part. With that stripped away, Matt turned these tracks into full-size instrumentals on his debut EP, engaging some technical Thrash that rolls on a collection of chops, hooks and riffs, rather than one main theme or melody. There's a lot of double-bassdrum action throughout the set at as a whole, and particularly on the Annihilator esque Thrasher that is “The Receiver Of Wisdom”. Music also implements some Fusion style hooks down “Evidence Of The Arcane” and Harbinger. It is not all fast and frantic on the EP, with slower, more melody-laden moments, peaking on the chunky, moderately paced “Eyes In The Sky”; one of the more accessible and 'subtle' tunes on offer. All together, this one well balanced shred affair that moves somewhere in between the classic shred work of Tony Fredianelli and Toby Knapp whilst maintaining a sound that is very much Matt Chanway's own. Strong.
Paul van der Burght
label: private
songs: Evidence Of The Arcane / The Receiver Of Wisdom / Harbinger / 271114 / Eyes In The Sky / Lucidity //
web: http://mattchanwayguitar.com/
In an era where instrumental shred albums are pretty much non existent, Canada's Matt Chanway (also of Death/Thrash act Assimilation) blows new life into art of traditional guitar shredding from the mid 80's / 90's. Matt is on good form, replicating the traditional shred sound and injected it with Progressive elements without overdosing in technicality or complexity; this evidently has everything to do with the fact that these songs were initially written for a Progressive Metal project called 'Chancellor', leaving room to fit the vocal part. With that stripped away, Matt turned these tracks into full-size instrumentals on his debut EP, engaging some technical Thrash that rolls on a collection of chops, hooks and riffs, rather than one main theme or melody. There's a lot of double-bassdrum action throughout the set at as a whole, and particularly on the Annihilator esque Thrasher that is “The Receiver Of Wisdom”. Music also implements some Fusion style hooks down “Evidence Of The Arcane” and Harbinger. It is not all fast and frantic on the EP, with slower, more melody-laden moments, peaking on the chunky, moderately paced “Eyes In The Sky”; one of the more accessible and 'subtle' tunes on offer. All together, this one well balanced shred affair that moves somewhere in between the classic shred work of Tony Fredianelli and Toby Knapp whilst maintaining a sound that is very much Matt Chanway's own. Strong.
Paul van der Burght

WHITE SKULL - 2017 “Will Of The Strong”
label: Dragonheart records https://www.facebook.com/DragonheartRecords
songs: Endless Rage / Holy Warrior / Grace O' Malley / Will Of The Strong / Lady of Hope / I Am Your Queen / Hope Has Wings / Metal Indian / Shieldmaiden / Sacrifice / Lay Over / Warrior Spirit /
web: https://www.facebook.com/whiteskullofficial
Female fronted outfit White Skull have been around ever since the late 80's and never had a break from the scene, steadily releasing albums every few years. “Warrior Spirit” is their 10th album to date and still carries forth the sound of old, merging elements of symphonic and melodic PowerMetal with orchestral and Gothic like modes. The orchestral features are evident right from the start sparking off the classical tinged, film soundtrack like intro that is “Endless Rage”. From then onwards it is pretty much a speed driven, double-bass drummed Euro PowerMetal affair that is dressed with atmospheric synths, Gothic / Epic choirs, fist pumping shout along choruses and some great, virtuoso guitar flash highlighted on the neo-classical mid-section of the album's longest offering; the 6+ minute “Lady Of Hope”. There's quite a lot happening withinthe music, with a constant use of synths, synths generated mobility orchestration, and a good tempo shifting with a general drop in pace when the guitar solo kicks in. In addition to the Goth-like vibes, there's also a fair bit of Viking and Folk-ish twists as showcased on the slow-fast alternated “Metal Indian”, whilst the bombstic, orchestral appearance reigns supreme on the anthemic like “Holy Warrior”, with the rough-edged and mid-range Doro-esque vocalage of singer Federica 'Sister' De Boni matching any style modus. The “Will Of The Strong” album is one very complete album in its territories, ticking all the boxes in textbook fashion. Solid.
Paul van der Burght
label: Dragonheart records https://www.facebook.com/DragonheartRecords
songs: Endless Rage / Holy Warrior / Grace O' Malley / Will Of The Strong / Lady of Hope / I Am Your Queen / Hope Has Wings / Metal Indian / Shieldmaiden / Sacrifice / Lay Over / Warrior Spirit /
web: https://www.facebook.com/whiteskullofficial
Female fronted outfit White Skull have been around ever since the late 80's and never had a break from the scene, steadily releasing albums every few years. “Warrior Spirit” is their 10th album to date and still carries forth the sound of old, merging elements of symphonic and melodic PowerMetal with orchestral and Gothic like modes. The orchestral features are evident right from the start sparking off the classical tinged, film soundtrack like intro that is “Endless Rage”. From then onwards it is pretty much a speed driven, double-bass drummed Euro PowerMetal affair that is dressed with atmospheric synths, Gothic / Epic choirs, fist pumping shout along choruses and some great, virtuoso guitar flash highlighted on the neo-classical mid-section of the album's longest offering; the 6+ minute “Lady Of Hope”. There's quite a lot happening withinthe music, with a constant use of synths, synths generated mobility orchestration, and a good tempo shifting with a general drop in pace when the guitar solo kicks in. In addition to the Goth-like vibes, there's also a fair bit of Viking and Folk-ish twists as showcased on the slow-fast alternated “Metal Indian”, whilst the bombstic, orchestral appearance reigns supreme on the anthemic like “Holy Warrior”, with the rough-edged and mid-range Doro-esque vocalage of singer Federica 'Sister' De Boni matching any style modus. The “Will Of The Strong” album is one very complete album in its territories, ticking all the boxes in textbook fashion. Solid.
Paul van der Burght

WITHIN THE FIRE – CD 2016 “Still Burning”
label: private
songs: Still Burning / A Date With The Devil / Three Days Ago / Hypnotized / Throttle / In My Eyes / Can't Let Go / Time To Rise / Godless World (featuring Jason Bittner)
web: https://www.facebook.com/WithinTheFire/
First full-lengther by this Albany / U.S.A based 5-piece engaging some old-school Metal / PowerMetal that occasionally tips over to light format Thrash. Whichever genre the band addresses to, it is all caked with melodic layers, pushed forward on the Dokken-esque “Three Days Ago” (with additional hints of Mr. Big”), the moderately paced “Hypnotized”, and “Can't Let Go”. On the other end of the spectrum, though still melodic laden, are the up-tempo Power / Thrash Metaler “Throttle”, and the album's heaviest “A Date With The Devil” hosting some cool - whether intentionally or not - clicks with Pantera's “Domination” at the start, and Dokken's “Mr Scary” down the solo section! Throw in some likings to Anthrax's “Indians” era down “Time To Rise”, and the result is one great, diversified, and all 80's mould album that comes with superb muscle vocals and a whole lot of tasty guitar action. Excellent.
Paul van der Burght
label: private
songs: Still Burning / A Date With The Devil / Three Days Ago / Hypnotized / Throttle / In My Eyes / Can't Let Go / Time To Rise / Godless World (featuring Jason Bittner)
web: https://www.facebook.com/WithinTheFire/
First full-lengther by this Albany / U.S.A based 5-piece engaging some old-school Metal / PowerMetal that occasionally tips over to light format Thrash. Whichever genre the band addresses to, it is all caked with melodic layers, pushed forward on the Dokken-esque “Three Days Ago” (with additional hints of Mr. Big”), the moderately paced “Hypnotized”, and “Can't Let Go”. On the other end of the spectrum, though still melodic laden, are the up-tempo Power / Thrash Metaler “Throttle”, and the album's heaviest “A Date With The Devil” hosting some cool - whether intentionally or not - clicks with Pantera's “Domination” at the start, and Dokken's “Mr Scary” down the solo section! Throw in some likings to Anthrax's “Indians” era down “Time To Rise”, and the result is one great, diversified, and all 80's mould album that comes with superb muscle vocals and a whole lot of tasty guitar action. Excellent.
Paul van der Burght

MY FUNERAL – EP 2016 “Harder Than This life”
label: Via Nocturna
songs: Future Violence / It's All About The Pride / ... and More Violence / Seek The Truth / Harder Than This life //
web: http://www.myfuneral.fi/
Latest offering by this Finland based band, engaging an aggressive sounding mix of old-school styles that starts off with the driving Thrash 'n Roller “Future Violence” featuring Crossover hooks in the vocal department, operating in a provocative, talk-type fashion with added backing shouts in the chorus. “It's All About The Pride”, and “...And More Violence” are all out traditional SpeedMetalers that cross the classic HardCore sound with fast rhythm riffs in the Razor styles. “Seek The Truth” is a slower, moderately paced track that rolls on a Nordic style riff and dreary vocalage. The disc concludes with the provocative Crossover Thrasher “Harder Than This Life”, patterned upon a propelling tandem drive of crispy Thrash riffs and double-bass drums. This is one very energetic, tough as nails affair with a strong 80's feel. Cool
specs: limited edition of 500 copies
Paul van der Burght
label: Via Nocturna
songs: Future Violence / It's All About The Pride / ... and More Violence / Seek The Truth / Harder Than This life //
web: http://www.myfuneral.fi/
Latest offering by this Finland based band, engaging an aggressive sounding mix of old-school styles that starts off with the driving Thrash 'n Roller “Future Violence” featuring Crossover hooks in the vocal department, operating in a provocative, talk-type fashion with added backing shouts in the chorus. “It's All About The Pride”, and “...And More Violence” are all out traditional SpeedMetalers that cross the classic HardCore sound with fast rhythm riffs in the Razor styles. “Seek The Truth” is a slower, moderately paced track that rolls on a Nordic style riff and dreary vocalage. The disc concludes with the provocative Crossover Thrasher “Harder Than This Life”, patterned upon a propelling tandem drive of crispy Thrash riffs and double-bass drums. This is one very energetic, tough as nails affair with a strong 80's feel. Cool
specs: limited edition of 500 copies
Paul van der Burght

GRINDPAD – ED 2017 “Sharkbite!”
label: private
songs: Not Fucking Dead / Sharkbite! / The Lion's Strife / Come in Peace (Go in Pieces) / Outro //
web: http://www.grindpad.com/
Fourth E.P by these Dutch Thrashers, engaging some 90's Crossover Thrash that goes in full on the Anthrax-esque “Sharkbite” and comes complete with the trademark backing shouts and acceleration. Grindpad engage the American Thrash sound with nods to the traditional Dutch Thrash / DeathThrash thing, as evidenced on the fast paced “Not Fucking Dead” that is dressed with gruff, gurgling vocal raps. The set features a good balance between furious, snare-drummed drives (“Come In Peace”) and Moshy mid-tempos, often paired within the songs (as on the early Exodus tinged “Come In Peace”). This is one bare-knuckle, traditional Thrash affair that moves somewhere in between Exodus, Abacinate, and M.O.D. Great!
Paul van der Burght
label: private
songs: Not Fucking Dead / Sharkbite! / The Lion's Strife / Come in Peace (Go in Pieces) / Outro //
web: http://www.grindpad.com/
Fourth E.P by these Dutch Thrashers, engaging some 90's Crossover Thrash that goes in full on the Anthrax-esque “Sharkbite” and comes complete with the trademark backing shouts and acceleration. Grindpad engage the American Thrash sound with nods to the traditional Dutch Thrash / DeathThrash thing, as evidenced on the fast paced “Not Fucking Dead” that is dressed with gruff, gurgling vocal raps. The set features a good balance between furious, snare-drummed drives (“Come In Peace”) and Moshy mid-tempos, often paired within the songs (as on the early Exodus tinged “Come In Peace”). This is one bare-knuckle, traditional Thrash affair that moves somewhere in between Exodus, Abacinate, and M.O.D. Great!
Paul van der Burght
web: https://www.facebook.com/SupporttheNWOTHM/
STNWOBHM is a fan-page dedicated to help and support bands from The New Wave Of Traditional Heavy Metal. The page acts as a source to discover bands and releases in the genre, and features sound / video clips, cover art, info on upcoming releases and links. This page is a great way to find out about NWOTHM bands and their work.
web: https://www.facebook.com/SupporttheNWOTHM/
STNWOBHM is a fan-page dedicated to help and support bands from The New Wave Of Traditional Heavy Metal. The page acts as a source to discover bands and releases in the genre, and features sound / video clips, cover art, info on upcoming releases and links. This page is a great way to find out about NWOTHM bands and their work.

CHRONOSPHERE – CD 2017 “Red 'n Roll”
label: Punishment 18 records
songs: Alu Card / Demonized / Before It's Gone / Picking Up My Pieces / Be The Best / The Force To Put An End / Honest To Kill / Wolves Out Of Cage / Warriors / Portal To The Underworld //
web: http://www.chronosphere-official.com/
Third album by these Greek Thrashers furthering the concept of its predecessor “Embracing Oblivion”. This, by engaging in traditional, Bay Area sourced Thrash with a strong likeness to Testament and Megadeth, particularly in the vocal department, as evidenced on “Demonized”. However, there's several variations to the theme, such as “Demonized” which shows a refreshing, and quite unique take on the WestCoast Thrash thing with an added groove factor and melodic Ttwist, and “Picking Up My Pieces”, coupling all out Bay Area riffage to modern (PowerMetal) chants, Metal-ish harmonies and even subtle hints of DeathThrash! The quality and strength of Chronosphere is this sense for control and balance over aggression, resulting in the textbook Thrash happening that “Red 'n Roll” is. Solid.
Paul van der Burght
label: Punishment 18 records
songs: Alu Card / Demonized / Before It's Gone / Picking Up My Pieces / Be The Best / The Force To Put An End / Honest To Kill / Wolves Out Of Cage / Warriors / Portal To The Underworld //
web: http://www.chronosphere-official.com/
Third album by these Greek Thrashers furthering the concept of its predecessor “Embracing Oblivion”. This, by engaging in traditional, Bay Area sourced Thrash with a strong likeness to Testament and Megadeth, particularly in the vocal department, as evidenced on “Demonized”. However, there's several variations to the theme, such as “Demonized” which shows a refreshing, and quite unique take on the WestCoast Thrash thing with an added groove factor and melodic Ttwist, and “Picking Up My Pieces”, coupling all out Bay Area riffage to modern (PowerMetal) chants, Metal-ish harmonies and even subtle hints of DeathThrash! The quality and strength of Chronosphere is this sense for control and balance over aggression, resulting in the textbook Thrash happening that “Red 'n Roll” is. Solid.
Paul van der Burght

WESTCOAST FURY – CD 2017 “Future Of Provocation”
label: private
songs: Virus / T.A.G / Justify Your Existence / Chaos Reigns / D.P.A. / Run For Your Lives / Future Of Provocation //
web:http://www.reverbnation.com/westcoastfury https://www.facebook.com/westcoastfury/
Second release by these Northern California Bay Area Thrashers that definitely do their home-base justice as this 7-songer has 80's Bay Area Thrash Metal written all over it. The rhythmic opening tune “Virus” is all that, and on it goes with the galloping, energetic “T.A.G” that largely clicks with Wargasm in both vocals and riff-style. The Powermad – meets – Powerlord esque “Justify Your Existence” has a more muffled, deep-sounding production and couples fast and mid-tempos over a double-bass drummed motion. Next ones up; the rhythmic “Chaos Reigns” and “D.PA.” and have Slayer ish goodness running through the matter whilst one of the fastest tracks, “Run For Your Lives” incorporates elements of Crossover / Mosh. All goes to show that this is one well diversified Thrash happening with some good, allround shape-shifting without sounding overly technical or such. Snappy vocal raps, great, rhythmic drummage, staccato riffs; it is all in there and in the right proportion. This is one proper, old-school oriented Thrash album well worth checking out.
Paul van der Burght
label: private
songs: Virus / T.A.G / Justify Your Existence / Chaos Reigns / D.P.A. / Run For Your Lives / Future Of Provocation //
web:http://www.reverbnation.com/westcoastfury https://www.facebook.com/westcoastfury/
Second release by these Northern California Bay Area Thrashers that definitely do their home-base justice as this 7-songer has 80's Bay Area Thrash Metal written all over it. The rhythmic opening tune “Virus” is all that, and on it goes with the galloping, energetic “T.A.G” that largely clicks with Wargasm in both vocals and riff-style. The Powermad – meets – Powerlord esque “Justify Your Existence” has a more muffled, deep-sounding production and couples fast and mid-tempos over a double-bass drummed motion. Next ones up; the rhythmic “Chaos Reigns” and “D.PA.” and have Slayer ish goodness running through the matter whilst one of the fastest tracks, “Run For Your Lives” incorporates elements of Crossover / Mosh. All goes to show that this is one well diversified Thrash happening with some good, allround shape-shifting without sounding overly technical or such. Snappy vocal raps, great, rhythmic drummage, staccato riffs; it is all in there and in the right proportion. This is one proper, old-school oriented Thrash album well worth checking out.
Paul van der Burght

THEORY – CD 2017 “The Art Of Evil”
label: private
songs: Awakening / The Art of Evil / Sea of Damnation / Demons Domain / Strangers Descent / Frozen / Liquid Order / The Escape / In Silence We Ride / Catch-22 / Our Journey / Skies Are Falling //
web: http://music.theorymetal.com
Second outlet by this Danish 5-piece, addressing to (late) 90's styled Progressive PowerMetal that comes with the matching, minor atmosphere, melodic melodies, and a whole lot of guitar action and dazzling speed chops, including a Malmsteen / Tafolla ish guitar interlude, “Liquid Order”. In the centre of attention are the melodic laden muscle vocals of Niklas Sonne that mostly move in the mid-range but are also very capable in the upper regions. Most of the material is moderately to mid-paced and caked with thumping riffage, highlighted on the Dio-meets-Zakk Wylde-meets-Alter Bridge riff monster “Demon's Domain”. Both “In Silence We Ride” and “Awakening” show a slight turn towards the Modern PowerMetal thing, whilst “Stranger's Descent” and “Skies Are Falling” have 90's written all over. The whole thing sticks together very well and comes with a power-punch production to further boost the impact of the riffage. Strong!
Paul van der Burght
label: private
songs: Awakening / The Art of Evil / Sea of Damnation / Demons Domain / Strangers Descent / Frozen / Liquid Order / The Escape / In Silence We Ride / Catch-22 / Our Journey / Skies Are Falling //
web: http://music.theorymetal.com
Second outlet by this Danish 5-piece, addressing to (late) 90's styled Progressive PowerMetal that comes with the matching, minor atmosphere, melodic melodies, and a whole lot of guitar action and dazzling speed chops, including a Malmsteen / Tafolla ish guitar interlude, “Liquid Order”. In the centre of attention are the melodic laden muscle vocals of Niklas Sonne that mostly move in the mid-range but are also very capable in the upper regions. Most of the material is moderately to mid-paced and caked with thumping riffage, highlighted on the Dio-meets-Zakk Wylde-meets-Alter Bridge riff monster “Demon's Domain”. Both “In Silence We Ride” and “Awakening” show a slight turn towards the Modern PowerMetal thing, whilst “Stranger's Descent” and “Skies Are Falling” have 90's written all over. The whole thing sticks together very well and comes with a power-punch production to further boost the impact of the riffage. Strong!
Paul van der Burght
RAVENSIRE – EP 2017 “Tyrant's Dictuml
label: Witches Brew
songs: Tyrant's Dictum / Facing The Wind //
web: https://www.facebook.com/Ravensire/?ref=br_rs
Newest release by these Portugese Metalers, partnering the last recordings with guitarist Ze 'Rockhard' and drummer 'F'. The single furthers the Epic themed, 80's (Power) Metal sound showcased on the 2016 “The Cycle Never Ends” album, highlighted on the rhythmic, multi-paced semi Headbanger “Facing The Wind” that moves somewhere in between Omen and Liege Lord. “Tyrant's Dictum” is a mid-paced number that rolls on a propelling drive of drums and riffs. It is here that the band opts for a more classic, European sound with a Scandinavian undertone that slightly hints at Swedish Metalers Gotham City. Some nice, crisp-distorted guitars on this one with the Jon Oliva- esque vocal roar of bassist / singer Rick Thor adding substance and power to the musical theme. Solid.
specs: limited edition of 300 copies (vinyl)
label: Witches Brew
songs: Tyrant's Dictum / Facing The Wind //
web: https://www.facebook.com/Ravensire/?ref=br_rs
Newest release by these Portugese Metalers, partnering the last recordings with guitarist Ze 'Rockhard' and drummer 'F'. The single furthers the Epic themed, 80's (Power) Metal sound showcased on the 2016 “The Cycle Never Ends” album, highlighted on the rhythmic, multi-paced semi Headbanger “Facing The Wind” that moves somewhere in between Omen and Liege Lord. “Tyrant's Dictum” is a mid-paced number that rolls on a propelling drive of drums and riffs. It is here that the band opts for a more classic, European sound with a Scandinavian undertone that slightly hints at Swedish Metalers Gotham City. Some nice, crisp-distorted guitars on this one with the Jon Oliva- esque vocal roar of bassist / singer Rick Thor adding substance and power to the musical theme. Solid.
specs: limited edition of 300 copies (vinyl)

HAREM SCAREM – CD 2017 “United”
label: Frontiers records
songs: United / Here Today, Gone Tomorrow / Gravity / Sinking Ship / One Of Life's Mysteries / No Regrets / Bite The Bullet / Things I Know / The Sky Is Falling / Heaven And Earth / Indestructible //
web: http://www.haremscarem.net/
Toronto Rockers Harem Scarem made their come-back in 2013 with a re-recorded version of the '93 “Mood Swings” album (“Mood Swings II”), followed by “Thirteen” the year after. “United” is the band's newest work and this album basically captures all that Harem Scarem is, in true Mainstream / Billboard Rock fashion. There is no guessing about the quality that runs through the album that identifies with similar, 90's styled albums produced by acts such as Dokken, Def Leppard and Firehouse. This is catchy, instant-access Radio Rock that is straight-forward and groove-oriented with a preference for the mid-tempo thing. Slower moments come in the shape of the moderately paced “Things I Know”, “Gravity” and the piano laden balladry of “One Of Life's Misteries”, the latter two of which incorporate slight traces of The Beatles, as does “The Sky Is Falling”. The pace is accelerated on the up-tempo feel-good Rocker “No Regrets” making this the fastest track of the set, followed by the agility of the opening riff down “Sinking Ship”. Main accent throughout is on the vocals, with the muscular, melodic voice of Harry Hess adding the substance, backed with multi-sung / dubbed lead lines and harmonies down the chorus. Second best is the controlled guitar flash and sticky riffage of Pete Lesperance, cranking out some cool mobility leads down “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow” and “Sinking Ship”. “United” offers quite a few variations to the Mainstream Rock theme, sticks together very well and is just very pleasant on the ear. Proper
Paul van der Burght
label: Frontiers records
songs: United / Here Today, Gone Tomorrow / Gravity / Sinking Ship / One Of Life's Mysteries / No Regrets / Bite The Bullet / Things I Know / The Sky Is Falling / Heaven And Earth / Indestructible //
web: http://www.haremscarem.net/
Toronto Rockers Harem Scarem made their come-back in 2013 with a re-recorded version of the '93 “Mood Swings” album (“Mood Swings II”), followed by “Thirteen” the year after. “United” is the band's newest work and this album basically captures all that Harem Scarem is, in true Mainstream / Billboard Rock fashion. There is no guessing about the quality that runs through the album that identifies with similar, 90's styled albums produced by acts such as Dokken, Def Leppard and Firehouse. This is catchy, instant-access Radio Rock that is straight-forward and groove-oriented with a preference for the mid-tempo thing. Slower moments come in the shape of the moderately paced “Things I Know”, “Gravity” and the piano laden balladry of “One Of Life's Misteries”, the latter two of which incorporate slight traces of The Beatles, as does “The Sky Is Falling”. The pace is accelerated on the up-tempo feel-good Rocker “No Regrets” making this the fastest track of the set, followed by the agility of the opening riff down “Sinking Ship”. Main accent throughout is on the vocals, with the muscular, melodic voice of Harry Hess adding the substance, backed with multi-sung / dubbed lead lines and harmonies down the chorus. Second best is the controlled guitar flash and sticky riffage of Pete Lesperance, cranking out some cool mobility leads down “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow” and “Sinking Ship”. “United” offers quite a few variations to the Mainstream Rock theme, sticks together very well and is just very pleasant on the ear. Proper
Paul van der Burght

CRYPT OF THE WIZARD – London's one and only Heavy Metal record shop
web: http://www.cryptofthewizard.com
address: 324C Hackney Road, London, E2 7AX (nearest stations: Cambridge Heath & Hoxton)
opening times: Tuesday to Sunday 11.00 – 19:00
Crypt Of The Wizard is London's ONLY record shop that is entirely dedicated to Heavy Metal. Crypt Of The Wizard carries forth the tradition of the 80's Metal record shops, stocking a great selection of new and used LP's, EP's, 7” singles, cassettes, shirts, pins and patches. This is where you will find that obscure or independent slab of vinyl, and the guys that run this place know their stuff which is really helpful looking for a specific style or band. Check it out!
web: http://www.cryptofthewizard.com
address: 324C Hackney Road, London, E2 7AX (nearest stations: Cambridge Heath & Hoxton)
opening times: Tuesday to Sunday 11.00 – 19:00
Crypt Of The Wizard is London's ONLY record shop that is entirely dedicated to Heavy Metal. Crypt Of The Wizard carries forth the tradition of the 80's Metal record shops, stocking a great selection of new and used LP's, EP's, 7” singles, cassettes, shirts, pins and patches. This is where you will find that obscure or independent slab of vinyl, and the guys that run this place know their stuff which is really helpful looking for a specific style or band. Check it out!